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BOH Minutes Dec 18 2014
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h
M i n u t e s
Wednesday, December 18, 2014
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:     Katie Carroll,  Matt Poole
Absent:    Jan Buhrman
Also Present:   Mike Tompkins (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering), George Sourati (Sourati Engineering), Josh Scott.

Goldberg, 41 Wequobsque (30-112) Mitch Gordon and Mike Tompkins presented plans for the relocation of a house 100’ from the eroding bluff.  This will require relocating and replacing the 1,000 gallon septic tank and tying in to the old line to the existing leaching field following assessment.  The Board approved the septic system relocation plan.

Golub, 14 Ben’s Way (13-9.18) The Board approved a septic system construction plan presented by Reid Silva after specifying that the engineer must inspect the soils at the bottom of the excavation prior to placement of the new system and add new clean sand as needed.

Toll, 18 Peaked Hill Road (25-13) George Sourati presented a septic system construction permit application for a proposed three-bedroom single family residence.  The drinking water well for the property, along with wells serving two other properties, is located on an adjoining lot.  The Board approved the septic construction permit, which requires no variances, on the condition that a copy of the easement for the well and water quality test results are provided for the BOH file.

Howland, 94 Menemsha Crossroad (26-63)  The Board reviewed a septic system upgrade plan prepared by Reid Silva which will require a public hearing due to needed variances.  The Board set the hearing date for January 21st, 2015 at 5:30pm.  The Board also noted that a letter from the homeowner will be required, stating that she is aware that the proposed separation from her drinking water well does not meet Chilmark BOH requirements.

Sheep on the Landfill The Board approved a one-month Pilot Project proposed by Josh Scott and developed in consultation with Don Hatch of the MVRD, to graze sheep on the Chilmark landfill cap using movable electric fencing.  The project will help the Board to assess the feasibility of a graze/mow contract to control vegetation on the cap.
BOH FY’16 Budget: The Board reviewed a proposed submission to the Finance Committee prepared by Marina Lent.  The Board felt that, while 35 hours per week can certainly be justified by the demands of the position, we can begin by expanding hours to 32.5 hours per week in the coming year, and assess on that basis whether further adjustment in hours will be necessary.  The Board approved the proposed budget for the BOH office, which includes significant cuts in expenses.  These, too, will be carefully re-evaluated for the FY’17 budget cycle.

Temporary Food Event Permits:  The Board noted that, yet again, we are faced with last-minute, word-of-mouth information regarding an imminent public food event which needs to be properly permitted.  The last-minute scramble to avoid having to cancel food service at popular local events should be avoided wherever possible.  The Board asked Marina Lent to work with town hall staff to develop more stringent requirements for the approval of a reservation of the Chilmark Community Center which will include prior notification and sign-off by the Board of Health office for public events which include any kind of food service.

Dolinski, 14 Trails End Road (25-76) Title 5 Official Inspection Report -- passes

Wansiewicz, 5 Half Inch Lane (24-6)  Title 5 Official Inspection Report received – passes

Temporary Food Event Permits: 12/08 Harvest of the Month Tasting at Chilmark School: Sweet potatoes.  12/12 Chilmark Flea Bazaar.

Septic System Installer Permit  2015: Vineyard Lane Surveying & Engineering

Septage Hauler Permit 2015: Septic Solutions

Perc Tests Scheduled:  Monday, December 15th 11:30am (Reid Silva);  Tuesday, December 16th at 10:30am (George Sourati) at 18 Peaked Hill Road (25-13) and 31 Flanders Lane (26-29)

  • Membership: Massachusetts Water Works Association $ 75
  • Cross-Connection Control 3 TCHs, March 18, 2015 Westford, MA $60
  • CC-VNA November Public Nursing $297.50

_______________________              _______________________                       _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair                 Matthew Poole                                       Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                   Chilmark Board of Health                     Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.